Wednesday, October, 30, 2019
COMFORT organizes training regularly to enhance social engineering skill of its employees at all level
Helping individual employees to achieve their potential is in the best interests of the person and the organization as well. Developing the abilities of staff at all level is so important that some organizations have their own education facilities like ours one and many engage outside trainers and advisers. In fact, training has specific goals of improving one’s capability.
Human Resources Development regards ‘Training & Development’ as a function connected with organizational activity aimed at bettering the job performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. It can be described as ‘an educational process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of attitude and gaining more knowledge to enhance the performance of employees’. Increased productivity, less supervision, job satisfaction, skill development etc. are the main benefits of training.
It is strongly advocated to allocate a percentage of revenues (at least 1.5 per cent-opined by reputed Management Specialists), or to lay down minimum training hours 5-6 days per year is a reasonable target.
Training Cycle: Assess Needs ? Plan ? Implement ? Record ? Evaluate ? Impact study.
Note-1: According to USA Management Specialist-Reg Revans ‘Organization that do not learn faster than the rate of change in the environment will eventually die’. Training & only training can bring that expected change in the organization.
Note-2: Peter F Drucker is considered as the father of ‘Management’. According to him 99% of management skill is to be earned and 1 % is inherent genius. So, the need for imparting training can’t be over emphasized.